
Do you need health help? ARM Nutrition can help busy moms!

By Kelly Fitzpatrick October 16, 2024

It's Wellness Wednesday over here and I’m sharing more about my health journey working with nutritionist and dietician, Anita Mirchandani, founder of ARM Nutrition. Although I'd like to think that health and wellness are always priorities of mine - the struggle of juggling family, work, household, as well as changes in my late 30s postpartum body, has meant that self-care was moved to a back burner.

At a serendipitous time -  after an injury, many skipped workouts, and just too many days of feels exhausted - I was fortunate enough to get to know Anita - AND to learn she accepts insurance!  Her expertise and approach to women's health was a huge draw. When I learned in conversation that key detail about accepting many insurance plans, I knew I wanted to sign-on right away.  As women and mothers, it is so challenging to give ourselves permission to devote time and money to our own needs.  For some reason, the insurance coverage was the boost I needed to convince myself that this was important for my well-being and therefore would benefit my family, too.  If you are able to, why not tap into those benefits for nutrition services?  This could be the preventative step you need to prevent injury or illness.

Prior to our first session I signed into a dedicated portal for the ARM Nutrition work that I could refer back to for on-going support.  I shared information around my health goals and current habits.  During our first session (all are telehealth- so convenient) I filled in more of the details around current lifestyle and desired state of being. Anita provided me with useful on the spot information and tweaks that I could try right away.  I learned more about the benefits of different types of foods and nutrients, when to eat and how much to eat, and how some of my choices were leading to spikes in cortisol.

The first session alone was incredibly informative and supportive.  I felt reassurance in working with a female practitioner that specializes in women's health.  There are many habits that I had developed that I thought were beneficial to my health.  After working with Anita I learned how to adjust to better suit my body's needs at this time in my life - and after being stuck in a weight loss plateau, I actually shed a few pounds within the first week!  

As a follow-up, Anita provided a write-up of the session to refer to.  She also offered to be a lifeline when planning meals - I can send her photo and ask for feedback.  Anita also regularly shares bite-sized tips on her Instagram account and through her newsletter- I highly recommend you sign up.

Here are three things I'm doing differently after just one session that have made a HUGE difference:

-Pairing caffeinated beverages with food to reduce cortisol spikes

-Swapping high-impact exercise for low-impact, such as yoga, pilates, strength training, and walking (no more HIIT for me!)

-Eating larger meals, rather than grazing throughout the day

I'm looking forward to our next session and feeling so much better in my body now that I am taking care of her again.  Are you interested in learning more? Whether you have big goals or simple questions, reach out to connect with Anita for personalized answers. You can find out if your insurance is accepted, or choose self-pay, and be on your way to showing up for yourself, too. And truly, what better time than now before the chaos of the holidays?  You can co-create a plan that works for you and your needs so you feel prepared for the many changes in routines that the winter months bring.